About us
The China Cultural Visiting Hub is a network of academics with diverse interests in the museums, galleries and heritage sector in China. Some are China experts (in culture, history, art); some are subject specialists in other disciplines whose research has international relevance and application (e.g. archaeology, engineering, architecture, digital humanities).
Areas of expertise
The combined expertise of the academics in the group facilitates a holistic approach to the study of art, material culture and curation in a China context with specific expertise in:
- Accessibility in the museums and galleries sector (with a focus on disability)
- Audiences and digital audience engagement
- Chinese History
- Contemporary Chinese Art
- Cultural Policy
- Curating and display
- Gallery education and community engagement with collections
- Informal learning
- Marine cultural heritage (survey and visualisation)
- Museum and exhibition design
- Science communications
- Societal reception of art
- The Silk Road
- Tourism
- Visualising and modelling landscapes
Members of this group work on individual projects under specific themes. They also work across these themes on interdisciplinary activity. Their combined expertise allows them to deliver research, consultancy and continuing professional development in the broad range of areas above (detail highlighted on the individual theme pages).
The network is led by the University of Nottingham and capitalises on the location of its campus in Ningbo (University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC)) as a gateway to the cultural infrastructure in the Zhejiang region and beyond. Its business development expertise both in UNNC and through the UK team (including the award-winning Asia Business Centre), underpins a fine-grained understanding of the approaches to relationship and business development in a China ‘visitor economy’ context.
Sarah Kerr is Knowledge Exchange Manager in the Faculty of Arts at The University of Nottingham, and Co-Director of the China Cultural Visiting Hub, which she set up in July 2014.
Sarah has an academic background in the Arts (MA Critical Theory (Nottingham), PG Dip Museum Studies (Leics)), and more recently in the Social Sciences (PG Dip Social Science Research Methods (UCL IoE). She will be commencing an ESRC-funded PhD at UCL in September 2015.
Sarah has several years’ experience in developing education programmes for adult learners: She was PI on two AHRC-funded Skills projects: ResearcherCurator and Hidden Collections: From Archive to Asset and co-wrote the successful £14m Midlands 3 Cities Doctoral Training Partnership bid with colleagues at the universities of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent, Birmingham, Birmingham City, Leicester and De Montfort. In all of these projects, a primary focus of the work has been on nurturing positive relationships between universities and the creative industry sector – primarily art galleries and museums - to encourage knowledge sharing, dialogue and the development of innovative cross-sectoral learning programmes.