China Cultural Visiting Hub
University of Nottingham

Heritage and histories

Heritage and History brings together scholars with expertise in studying, interpreting and representing of the past, as well as cultural, architectural and intangible heritage, in China and elsewhere.


The Heritage and Histories theme brings together scholars working in fields such as cultural history, art history, archaeology, preservation, ethnology and film studies.

This includes scholars whose primary focus is the Chinese-speaking world, and others whose approaches, methodologies and techniques can and have been applied to the Chinese context.

Almost all theme members have extensive experience with working with partners in the museum sector, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) or the media, and many have undertaken extensive field research in China itself.

Case studies

Enemy of the People - visual depictions of Chiang Kai-Shek

Jeremy E. Taylor's work on the Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) has led to a range of outputs. This includes not only academic papers, but also an AHRC-funded on-line database of images of Chiang from various forms of visual propaganda across the twentieth century. This database is now used in schools and universities as a teaching and research aide.

Enemy of the People website


Continuing professional development

Museum consultation and continuing education.

Theme members have been engaged as consultants by partners in the museums sector. Others have delivered content on continuing education courses, on topics ranging from religion to architectural heritage, both in China and elsewhere.

Members of this theme are keen to ensure that CPD activities involving Chinese partners, and European-based institutions working in China and the wider East Asian region, include strong engagement with critical debates about interpretations of heritage and the past in China today.




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